Japan and World History
The School of History and the ITSH are proud to host Professor Carol Gluck (Columbia University) as part of our Modern History Research Seminar Series. Professor Gluck will be speaking on “Modernity in Common. Japan…
The School of History and the ITSH are proud to host Professor Carol Gluck (Columbia University) as part of our Modern History Research Seminar Series. Professor Gluck will be speaking on “Modernity in Common. Japan…
GRAINES Summer School: History and its sources – after the Digital Turn Call for Applications The Graduate Interdisciplinary Network for European Studies (GRAINES) is now inviting applications for its upcoming 5th…
Dr Emma Hunter (Edinburgh) will be giving a research seminar paper on “Concepts of Democracy in Mid-Twentieth-Century Africa: Re-Imagining Political Accountability from the Bottom Up”. Emma Hunter is a lecturer in…
What is transnational history (to me)? The Q Factor OR Transnational History as a Hearing Aid The following post is part of a series of postings in which our institute members ask themselves “What does transnational…
This year’s annual conference of the Social History Society, held at Newcastle University 8-10 April 2014, opened with a number of new strands, one of which in Transnational and Global History. The new strand was…
Along with CAPOD and the School of History, the Centre is supporting and hosting a PhD-led workshop on Digital Humanities, taking place on Friday 29 August 2014 in St Andrews. “Mapping Flows & Digital Visualising Data”…
As part of the GRAINES Network, members of the Centre for Transnational History will be actively involved in its second summer school. After last year in Menton on “From the Margins”, this year’s summer school will…
The location was carefully selected: Morenish House, near Killin right on the northern shore of Loch Tay. A nineteenth-century laird’s house, very Scottish and surrounded by snow-covered Highland peaks and stunning…
Reading Group Over the coming academic year (2013-14) a number of members of staff and PhD researcher will be meeting for a series of reading group sessions on the theme of space in transnational history. Transnational…