80 articles found

Hot Girl Histories and Esperanto Wor(l)ds

Started in February 2023, Hot Girl Histories explores women’s histories and queer histories normally not found in textbooks. Join Claire Elizabeth Taylor, an English and Modern History undergraduate student at the…

ITSH Introductory Blog Post by Katherine Bellamy

Since completing my MLitt in Transnational, Global and Spatial History at the University of St Andrews in 2016, I have continued to incorporate Digital Humanities methods into my historical research. The ‘Skills in…

Fall 2020 Events

Our institute monday event linup includes skills sessions, reading groups, manuscript workshops, project team reports, research lectures, and a research workshop.

Institute Mondays During the Corona Virus Outbreak

Due to the cancellation of all face-to-face meetings at the University of St Andrews in the wake of the Corona Virus outbreak, we will cancelling some events and moving others online. Please check in on the events page…

ITSH Mondays in Autumn 2019

Welcome to our weekly ITSH Institute Mondays in the autumn semester AY2019-20. We will start our weekly sessions on 16 September 2019 with a Reading Group on Fabian, Johannes. Time and the Other: How Anthropology Makes…

ITSH Mondays 2018-2019

Welcome to our ITSH Institute Mondays AY2018-19, 3-5pm, Venue: Old Seminar Room, St John’s House Our main theme this academic year is “Space” and “Spatial History”. Texts will be pre-circulated for the sessions. Please…