Further Publications

Civilisational Mappings. ‘The West’ at the Turn of the Century [Zivilisatorische Verortungen. Der ‘Westen’ an der Jahrhundertwende (1880-1930)], eds. Riccardo Bavaj & Martina Steber (De Gruyter Oldenbourg, Berlin & Boston, 2018)

A Spatial History of Nazism [Der Nationalsozialismus. Entstehung, Aufstieg und Herrschaft] (Deutsche Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert, vol. 7), by Riccardo Bavaj (be.bra, 2016; Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, 2016)

Germany and ‘the West’. The History of a Modern Concept, eds. Riccardo Bavaj & Martina Steber (Berghahn Books, 2015; paperback 2017)

Peripherien. Beiträge zur Europäischen Geschichte (eds. Christof Dejung, Johannes Feichtinger, Martin Lengwiler, Ulrike Lindner, Bernhard Struck, Jakob Vogel (Cologne Weimar Vienna)

Intellectuals in the Cold War. Theme Issue of Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, eds. Riccardo Bavaj & Dominik Geppert (No. 3/4, 2014)

Shaping the Transnational Sphere. Experts, Networks, Issues (c. 1850-1930), eds. Davide Rodogno, Bernhard Struck, Jakob Vogel, Berghahn Books, 2014.

Together with Jacques Revel (EHESS, Paris), Kate Ferris and Bernhard Struck edited the special issue “Size Matters. Scales and Spaces in Comparative and Transnational History” in International History Review 33/4, 2011. Relating back to Jacques Revel’s “Jeux d’échelles” the articles in this volume discuss the relation of various scales in comparative and transnational history. As a number of publications have argued over the past few years, transnational history invites to rethink the scale(s) of historical investigation and their combination. Most articles in this volume start from a “small-scale” perspective that focuses either on the individual, the local or an institution. The volume has been voted runner up of Routledge History Most Wanted.
For the introduction, see here Introduction Space and Scale Struck, Ferris, Revel 2011.

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