80 articles found

Workshop: Spatial History and Its Sources

On 2 September, the Institute for Transnational and Spatial History will hold a workshop on “Spatial History and Its Sources.” You can find out more about the workshop and its schedule here. The workshop will bring…

Writing Global History and Its Challenges

There is an exciting graduate student workshop coming up at our neighbour, the University of Dundee:  Writing Global History and Its Challenges Saturday, 4 June 2016, 9.30 AM-4.30 PM The workshop will include Jürgen…

When did time become global?

On Monday, 16 November the Institute for Transnational & Spatial History will be hosting Professor Sebastian Conrad from the Free University of Berlin. As part of our Modern History Seminar Series, Professor Conrad…

Chasing statistical nodes – Welcome Adam Dunn

We would like to warmly welcome Adam Dunn as a new (and partly old) PhD student at the ITSH. Adam took his undergraduate degree at the University of York in History, graduating in 2011 before he started his masters in…