80 articles found

Welcome to Michael Talbot

Michael Talbot has  joined the School of History on a temporary lectureship at the start of the academic year 2013-14. Michael’s research is broadly related to the Ottoman Empire from the early modern period and, more…

Mapping Transnational (Hi)Stories

Mapping and Visualising Transnational Flows and Connections A number of our individual research projects share an interest in space and spatial history. Defining transnational history as a way of seeing and a…

Bringing Space into Transnational History

Reading Group Over the coming academic year (2013-14) a number of members of staff and PhD researcher will be meeting for a series of reading group sessions on the theme of space in transnational history. Transnational…

PhD success: Dr Andrew Dodd

Our warmest congratulations to Andrew Dodd, now Dr Dodd. Andrew came from Canada to St Andrews in 2007 for an MLitt in modern history. He soon developed a strong interest in twentieth-century German history though…

Welcome to Konrad Lawson

Dr Konrad Lawson will be joining the School of History and the Centre for Transnational History in September 2013. Konrad specialises in modern East Asian history, in particular on the Japanese Empire, Korea and China…

Incoming PhD Students

As of September 2013 the Centre for Transnational History will welcome six new PhD researchers. Some of the PhDs have come through the Modern History MLitt Programme and the transnational modules offered as part of it…

Welcome to Emma Hart

Emma Hart has joined the Centre and makes an excellent fit with her research in early British-American and transatlantic history. She has broad interests ranging from consumer history, the American Revolution to early…

Summer School “From the Margins”

The programme for the Summer School “From the Margins. Revisiting European History” is now available. We are very much looking forward to this first GRAINES summer school that will bring together 22 PhD researcher from…

Research seminar: Dirk Moses

As part of our Late Modern Research Seminar, Professor Dirk Moses                  (EUI Florence) will give a lecture on Partitions, Forced Population ‘Transfers’ and the Question of Human Rights in Central Europe…

Size Matters

The special issue Size Matters: Scales and Spaces in Transnational and Comparative History from International History Review has been voted runner up of Routledge History Most Wanted.